Seating in classes is limited. We plan ahead to accommodate everyone, but we cannot guarantee that registrants will be able to attend the classes they prefer. Because we can award continuing education credit only to those who attend the class, we recommend you arrive early while space is available.
Procedures vary from state/province to state/province. Please check with your licensing board for exact determination.
Visit the CE Information tab for more specific details regarding CE credits, per seminar.
We work diligently to process the information from the attendance tracking details, prepare the CE attendance vouchers and send them to the appropriate locations. You should expect to receive notification within six to eight weeks of the conference conclusion.
You must register for continuing education prior to the seminar or on-site at the walk-in registration kiosk (CE is included in the Registration fee).
- Pick up a copy of the Board Status sheet when you pick up your name badge.
- Attend the classes that are marked CE on your program (not all classes are eligible for CE credits) and have been approved by your Board.
- For your attendance to be recorded, have the bar code on your name badge scanned as you enter and exit each CE session. Not doing so will negate your hours. Coming in late and leaving early will affect your overall hours.
- Your attendance documentation will be available in approximate six to eight weeks following the seminar.
As a continuing education provider, Parker University is obligated by the state/province chiropractic boards to monitor attendance in each CE class. This means we must ensure registrants are actually attending CE classes. Arriving late or leaving early will affect your overall class time. Don’t hesitate to ask the CE monitor for assistance or to answer any questions you may have. Please help us help you obtain your renewal hours by following this process.
Please check the website under Continuing Education Approvals or contact the continuing education department of Parker University at 800-266-4723.
Please check the online schedule to see which classes count toward your CE credits.
Your licensing board requires you to have a certain number of continuing education hours to renew your license. Only specific classes/topics are approved by your particular board. Your board requires that Parker University report your attendance in an approved CE class to them. The best way to do this is to record what class you attended – scanning in and out allows us to do so.
Please note: Scanning into a class and then leaving the class area is not permitted. You must scan in and out for credit. Licensing boards reserve the right to request proof of attendance.